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Parent / Community Resources

We welcome parent involvement at Cedarwood Elementary School. Research shows that students whose parents are involved in their education generally are more successful in school and in life.

Please visit the school office any time and stay in touch with your child's teacher - see the Staff Directory for phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

We also welcome community participation, including donations of time, money, materials and expertise.

To help you know what's going on at school, check out these services for parents and community members:

Parent Newsletter
This weekly newsletter will keep you informed about all the important dates, news, activities and services provided at our school. To contribute to the newsletter, call the Cedarwood office, 530-873-3785.


Image result for newsela pro logo
Check out our great new student resource, Newsela.
Newsela has the
"most relevant and interesting nonfiction content, including daily news articles, famous speeches, primary sources, and biographies. Every article is written at 5 different reading levels, making it easy for an entire class to read the same content at a level that’s just right for each reader."
This tool will help students to not only understand more of our world, but also to help them comprehend and think critically about everything they read and hear.
Parents also have the ability to create an account and then assign articles to their student, watching their reading comprehension improve over time. Follow these instructions closely to set up the parent account:
If you have any questions or need any help, please email our Newsela support person, Becky Safarik (
Family Handbook

Family Handbook

 cedarwood logo  
  • travel to school
  • attendance
  • emergency procedures
  • policies
  • facilities
  • and much more!


Saving Items

Please help our school with fundraising by contributing items you might otherwise throw away.


Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration

To enter kindergarten in any school year, a child must be five years old on or before December 2 of that year. Proof of residence may be required. If you do not live within our school's boundary area, you may still choose to have your child attend this school through our School of Choice program.

Kindergarten registration is normally held the preceding February, with parent orientation meetings also in February.

To register a child, please present proof of date of birth (birth certificate, baptismal certificate or other legal proof) and the child's social security number. Parents must also present the child's written immunization record from a physician, nurse or health department. Prior to school entry, children must be immunized for the following:
  • Rubella (German measles)
  • Measles
  • Polio
  • Diphtheria
  • Pertussis (whooping cough)
  • Tetanus
  • Mumps
  • Hepatitis B
  • Chicken pox
A waiver of the immunization requirement may be obtained for religious or health reasons.



President: Chad Rankin
Secretary:  Jen McKay

General PTO Meetings

All parents are welcome at the General PTO Meetings, held in the Library on the second Tuesday at 2:30pm unless noted otherwise in the school newsletter.


If you have not already joined, please contact the PTO President or inquire at the school office.


PTO can use parent volunteers for assistance with several fund-raisers throughout the school year, including the fall and spring book fairs. Please call if you are interested in helping.

Useful Links

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Parent involvement is always welcome. Here are a few ways you can participate in your child's school, but be creative in offering your time and talents to assist in the learning of our students.
  • Classroom volunteer
  • PTO volunteer - contact the PTO President
  • Drive on field trips
  • Help with special classroom projects
  • Do a talk on your travels, job, hobby, etc.
  • Decorate for events
  • Help with reading, writing, math, science, computers, PE, fine arts, history projects
  • Organize a party
  • Help with the Talent Show
  • Help on Clean-up Day
  • Do things outside school hours: make copies, shop for supplies, assemble party favors, make costumes

Who to Contact

Program Improvement

Program Improvement

Parental Notification Letter about School Choice in Year 1 of Program Improvement: Click Here

NCLB requires the state and district to review annually the academic progress of federally funded Title I schools and to identify schools in need of improvement. These schools are identified as PI schools after two consecutive years of not making adequate yearly progress (AYP). California determines AYP by considering the following four measures:

• The percentage of students scoring at the "proficient" or "advanced" level on the California Standards Tests for English-language arts and mathematics

• The percentage of students participating in those tests

• The graduation rate for high schools

• California's own accountability measurement of progress, the Academic Performance Index (API)